eXtended Reality: The OASIS is the future!

WhiteFish Creative Ltd
8 min readOct 17, 2023


eXtended Reality: The OASIS is the future!

In the realm of software development, eXtended Reality (XR) is no longer a distant dream but a tangible reality. With the rise of XR technologies, developers are exploring new horizons to create immersive and interactive software applications. The concept of the OASIS, as depicted in the Ernest Cline novels “Ready Player One” and “Ready Player Two”, and to some extent the film adaptation, present a virtual universe where users can interact, play, and even work. But how close are we to achieving such a vision, and what are the potential benefits and limitations of XR in software development?

What is eXtended Reality?

eXtended Reality (XR) serves as an all-encompassing descriptor for technologies that elevate or substitute our perception of reality. This typically involves the integration or immersion of computer-generated objects, be that text or otherwise, into both physical and virtual environments, sometimes even blending the two seamlessly.

Within XR, we find Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), and Mixed Reality (MR). Although these three realities exhibit shared characteristics and necessitate similar functionalities, each has its own distinct objectives and foundational technologies.

Enhanced Collaboration: The Virtual Office Revolution

The traditional office setup, with its cubicles and conference rooms, is undergoing a transformation. XR brings the promise of virtual offices, spaces where teams, irrespective of their geographical locations, can collaborate seamlessly.

Real-time Interaction

XR enables real-time interactions, making remote collaborations as effective as in-person meetings. With XR, team members can virtually sit side by side, discuss projects, and brainstorm ideas, eliminating the barriers of distance. This level of interaction can lead to faster decision-making and improved team dynamics.

Shared Virtual Workspaces

XR allows teams to share virtual whiteboards, screens, and even 3D models. This shared space can be accessed and modified by team members, ensuring everyone is on the same page. Such collaborative tools can enhance the overall productivity of the team and ensure that everyone has a clear understanding of the project’s progress.

Enhanced Visual Communication

Lengthy emails and voice calls often lead to miscommunication. With XR, visual communication becomes the norm. Developers can point out specific lines of code, designers can showcase prototypes, and teams can brainstorm with visual aids, all within the virtual space. This visual approach ensures clarity and reduces the chances of misunderstandings.

Tackling Loneliness: Fostering Virtual Camaraderie

Remote work, while offering flexibility, often leads to feelings of isolation. XR provides a solution by recreating the office’s social aspects in the virtual realm.

Virtual Coffee Breaks

Just like in a physical office, team members can take coffee breaks together in a virtual cafe. These breaks allow team members to engage in casual conversations, share personal stories, and bond over shared experiences, all within the XR environment.

Team Building Activities

XR isn’t just about work; it can also be about fun. Virtual team-building activities, from escape rooms to collaborative games, can be hosted within the XR platforms. Such activities foster team spirit, camaraderie, and help in building stronger interpersonal relationships.

Mental Health Check-ins

The mental well-being of remote workers is crucial. Virtual offices can have dedicated spaces where team members can discuss their well-being, share their concerns, and seek support. These check-ins ensure that everyone feels heard and valued, promoting a positive work environment.

Interactive Prototyping: Bringing Ideas to Life

AR takes prototyping to the next level by allowing developers and designers to create interactive models of their software applications.

Real-time Feedback

With XR, stakeholders can interact with the prototype in real-time, providing immediate feedback. This hands-on approach allows developers to understand user needs better and make necessary adjustments. Such real-time interactions can significantly reduce iterations and ensure the final product aligns with user expectations.

Immersive User Testing

XR provides an environment where users can test the software in a simulated real-world setting. This immersive testing provides insights into the application’s functionality, user-friendliness, and overall user experience.

Rapid Prototyping

The tools provided by XR enable developers to quickly create multiple prototypes, test them, and refine based on feedback. This rapid prototyping speeds up the development process and ensures that the final product is of high quality.

Enhanced User Experience: Beyond the Screen

XR offers the potential to create software applications that are not just functional but also immersive.

Immersive Environments

XR applications can transport users to immersive environments, whether it’s a shopping app that allows users to virtually try on clothes or a gaming platform where users can interact with the game’s environment. Such immersive experiences enhance user engagement and satisfaction.

Personalised Interactions

XR applications can be tailored to individual user preferences, offering personalised experiences. For instance, a shopping app can suggest products based on the user’s past purchases and preferences, ensuring that the user gets a tailored shopping experience.

Blending Real and Virtual

One of the most significant advantages of XR is its ability to overlay virtual information on the real world. Whether it’s a real estate app showing property details when a user points their device at a building or a museum app providing information about artefacts, XR seamlessly blends the real and virtual worlds.

Potential Applications of XR in Software Development:

XR’s potential applications span various industries, offering innovative solutions to traditional challenges.

Education and Training

XR can transform learning experiences. Medical students can practice surgeries in a virtual environment, history students can take virtual tours of ancient civilisations, and engineers can simulate machine operations. This hands-on approach enhances understanding and retention.

Retail and E-commerce

Shopping becomes an immersive experience with XR. Users can try on clothes virtually, visualise how furniture would look in their homes, or even test makeup products, all through AR applications.


XR games, like Pokémon Go, have already showcased the potential of blending the real and virtual worlds. The gaming industry stands to benefit immensely by offering more such immersive experiences.

Real Estate

Property tours can be revolutionised with XR. Potential buyers can take virtual tours, explore properties in 3D, and even visualise changes they’d like to make to the property.

Limitations and Ethical Considerations of Augmented Reality:

While XR offers numerous benefits, it’s essential to be aware of its limitations and the ethical considerations.

Technological Constraints

Current XR technologies still face challenges like latency issues, device compatibility, and graphic quality. These constraints can impact the overall user experience and limit the widespread adoption of XR.

High Development Costs

Developing XR applications requires specialised skills and tools, leading to increased development costs. Additionally, testing these applications can be complex, adding to the expenses.

User Acceptance and Ethical Concerns

Not all users are comfortable with XR. There are also concerns about privacy, data security, and the potential for misinformation. Developers need to address these concerns to ensure XR’s responsible and ethical use.

The Current Reality

In today’s rapidly evolving landscape, numerous offerings aim to deliver the transformative XR experience that promises to reshape our world. Among the multitude of options, I’ve personally explored and continue to use two particular services that, in my perspective, align closely with our, or at least my, vision for the future of XR. It is within these innovative services that we find the potential to unlock the full spectrum of possibilities offered by eXtended Reality, pointing the way forward for this exciting technological frontier.

Meta’s Horizon Worlds

It is a step towards The OASIS, and is pushing the boundaries of social XR experiences is Meta with their Horizon Worlds platform. Horizon Worlds could be seen as an early prototype or foundation for The OASIS vision depicted in “Ready Player One”.

Horizon Worlds is a social VR world where users can explore, play, create, and interact together through virtual reality headsets. Users customise their own avatars, build their own spaces, join events, play games, and hang out with others in VR.

While still early in development, Horizon Worlds demonstrates the potential for highly social, immersive virtual worlds. Users are not just passively watching content, but actively participating and co-creating experiences with others.

As Meta continues to develop Horizon Worlds and make it more accessible globally, it provides a glimpse into the future of persistent, interconnected virtual social spaces that could one day evolve into a realisation of the OASIS metaverse.

Right now the system appears to be mainly filled with children and trolls who are running about and trying to abuse people, but hey this is the internet right, it’s going to happen. There are however some great experiences to be had in this virtual world, the fishing world “Bobbers Bay” can be pretty relaxing when you just sit down and fish, and it is frustrating when that Great White Shark snaps your line. Horizon Worlds is mainly small games right now, but it shows some huge potential for something much bigger.

Of course, there are still major technological hurdles, adoption challenges, and ethical considerations to navigate. But platforms like Horizon World demonstrate that foundational building blocks are being put into place for the OASIS-like vision of the open, immersive metaverse.

You can find out more about Horizon Worlds on this page of the Oculus website.


We spoke earlier about virtual offices and Immersed.com provides just that. Founded in 2015, Immersed aims to revolutionise the way distributed teams collaborate through immersive XR technology.

Immersed provides a platform where team members across different locations can work together in a shared virtual office using VR headsets. Users customise their own virtual workspace with multiple screens, set up real-time collaboration tools, and interact via personalised avatars.

According to Immersed, key benefits of their virtual workspace include:

  • Enhanced focus and productivity — The immersive VR environment minimises distractions and allows users to visualise their work.
  • Improved communication and collaboration — Team members can visually collaborate on projects in real-time, share screens, annotate designs, provide feedback, and more.
  • Greater connection between remote teams — Casual interactions occur organically, helping remote workers feel less isolated.
  • Flexibility — Users can customise their virtual workspace and seamlessly work from anywhere.
  • Cost and environmental savings — Reduces business travel costs and carbon footprint.

When your are unable to get away from your home office for extended periods of times, services like Immersed can offer respite for you, there is something amazing about sitting in a log cabin in the snow covered mountains, sipping on some hot drinks all while getting some work done, and without the expense of taking a trip and avoiding the cold hike with your luggage bags through the snow.

As virtual collaboration tools like Immersed improve, they could make the idea of globally distributed virtual offices and workplaces closer to reality. Teams are no longer constrained by physical location but can work together anytime, anywhere through the power of XR and cloud computing. Immersed provides a glimpse into what future virtual workspaces may look like as we move towards the metaverse.

You can find out more about Immersed on their website.

The Future of XR and The OASIS Vision:

The OASIS, as described in “Ready Player One” universe offers a glimpse into XR’s potential. While we are still some way from achieving the OASIS’s vastness, the current trajectory of XR indicates that such a vision might be within reach. However, as we move towards this future, it’s crucial to navigate with caution, creativity, and responsibility. The potential is immense, but so is the responsibility.

In conclusion, eXtended Reality is revolutionising the many industries, including software, offering immersive experiences, enhanced collaboration, and interactive prototyping. While there are challenges and limitations, the future of XR looks promising, with the potential to transform various industries and bring the vision of the OASIS to life.



WhiteFish Creative Ltd

James Studdart: Bespoke software solutions, in .Net, Flutter, Python, C#, JS, and designs. A popular podcast host. https://www.linkedin.com/in/jamesstuddart/