The Delicate Balance: Prioritising Users Over Quick Profits

WhiteFish Creative Ltd
4 min readSep 22, 2023


The Delicate Balance

In the intricate landscape of software development, trust isn’t just a currency — it’s the bedrock of relationships. Recent industry events, such as Unity’s policy shift and MOQ’s controversial decisions with regards to personal information and other transgressions, have spotlighted the treacherous terrain companies navigate when prioritising short-term gains over user trust. But what drives these decisions, and what are the broader implications?

Understanding the Motivations

Financial pressures often drive companies to make drastic changes. In competitive markets, there’s a relentless push to increase revenues and demonstrate profitability. But there’s a deeper layer to this. Companies, especially those that have grown rapidly, sometimes lose touch with their foundational user base. They may become more attuned to shareholder demands and the seduction of gleaming riches, than to the developers and users who helped them rise.

However, the allure of immediate financial gains can be blinding. In chasing the next quarterly report or appeasing shareholders, some companies lose sight of the long-term value of a loyal user base. It’s a classic case of missing the forest for the trees. While a sudden revenue spike is tempting, it’s essential to consider the potential long-term fallout from a disenchanted community.

Trust: The Invisible Bond

Trust is a fragile bond, nurtured over time and solidified through consistent positive interactions. Developers invest not just money but time — often their most precious resource. They commit to platforms, integrate libraries, and evangelise tools to peers. This commitment is based on an unspoken pact of reliability and mutual respect.

When that trust is broken, the effects are immediate and far-reaching. It’s not merely about adapting to a new system or grumbling about a price hike. It’s a sense of betrayal, a feeling that one’s investment — both emotional and financial — has been devalued. The erosion of trust can lead to a domino effect: a mass exodus, negative word-of-mouth, and a tarnished reputation that’s incredibly challenging to rebuild.

The Ripple Effect on the Developer Community

For smaller developers and startups, these changes aren’t just inconvenient — they can be existential threats. Operating within tight budgets and limited resources, sudden shifts can derail projects and lead to significant financial strains. But beyond the immediate financial implications, there’s a psychological toll. The uncertainty introduced by such changes can stifle innovation and deter developers from taking risks.

The developer community, with its forums, social media groups, and conferences, is a vibrant and interconnected ecosystem. Negative experiences with one platform can quickly ripple through this network, influencing decisions about other tools and platforms. In this age of interconnectedness, companies must recognise that their actions have consequences that reach far beyond their immediate user base.

Striking a Harmonious Balance

Monetisation is a reality of business. However, the challenge lies in achieving a harmonious balance between financial objectives and user trust. This equilibrium isn’t just about setting the right price point. It’s about fostering a culture of transparency, open communication, and genuine commitment to user well-being.

Engaging users in major decisions, providing clear roadmaps, and offering robust support during transitions can go a long way in building goodwill. It’s about demonstrating that users aren’t just numbers on a spreadsheet but valued members of a community. By placing users at the heart of decision-making, companies can ensure sustainable growth that benefits all stakeholders.

Reconciliation and Moving Forward

Mistakes are a part of growth. However, the true measure of a company’s character is how it responds to these missteps. Genuine acknowledgment, coupled with actionable steps to redress grievances, can pave the way for reconciliation. This might mean rolling back unpopular decisions, enhancing community outreach, or simply opening channels of communication to listen to user feedback.

Where do we go from here?

In today’s digital age, trust is more than a commodity — it’s the lifeblood of sustainable growth. As the software industry continues to evolve, companies and developers must prioritise this trust, ensuring that financial objectives never overshadow the needs and sentiments of the user community. By doing so, they can foster an environment of mutual respect, collaboration, and shared success.

In the ellegant dance of software development, trust is the rhythm that keeps us in step with our users. As we waltz through the challenges of monetisation and user loyalty, let’s remember: it’s not about the immediate glitter of gold, but the lasting glow of genuine relationships.

So, as you code, develop, and innovate, ensure your compass points towards trust. After all, in the grand scheme of things, it’s the trust of our users that truly turns our efforts into treasures.

Keep dancing, keep valuing, and most importantly, keep your users at the heart of it all.



WhiteFish Creative Ltd

James Studdart: Bespoke software solutions, in .Net, Flutter, Python, C#, JS, and designs. A popular podcast host.